
Women’s Bowel Incontinence

A physical therapist is highly skilled in evaluating and treating various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions affecting the body. This profession focuses on assessing any underlying factors, such as strength, neuromuscular control, balance, coordination, skeletal alignment, and endurance, which may be contributing to impaired functional mobility, activity, participation, and quality of life. Of course, most people only seek physical therapy when they’re suffering from a common injury or condition, such as whiplash, tendinitis, lower back pain, or ligament sprains. Perhaps lesser known is that chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction, especially issues with incontinence, can respond positively to physical therapy intervention.

What should I do if I’m experiencing bowel incontinence?

Approximately 13 million Americans are incontinent. Oftentimes, the cause of it is aging. The body’s muscles just don’t work as well as they used to. However, it is possible for anyone to experience incontinence for various reasons.

Fortunately, physical therapy treatment can improve specific organ and  pelvic-floor muscle function. Incontinence is a common condition that may be caused by an underlying condition, but the most common reason it goes untreated is due to embarrassment.

For prevention of bowel incontinence, one of the most important things you can do is attend your yearly physicals and seek help. Attending yearly physicals or reaching out to a pelvic health physical therapist and being honest with your doctor/therapist, no matter how embarrassed you may feel, is the best way to treat or avoid this condition worsening. With a physical therapist, you can work together to create a treatment plan that will correct this condition. One of our Mooresville physical therapists performs pelvic floor therapy to treat bowel incontinence and the results are resoundingly successful with most patients.

Treating bowel incontinence

Visceral manipulation (hands on therapy for your organs), specialized core exercise training and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, known as pelvic floor rehabilitation, can help people who are living with bowel incontinence.

Mild to moderate cases of common types of incontinence can be greatly improved or even cured by manual, behavioral or exercise therapy. We can also teach you habits and techniques to control your incontinence. Even periodic incontinence is not something you have to live with – we can help! Request an appointment with Taylor Rehab Physical Therapy today and get started on reclaiming your life.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!